Monday 29 August 2011


1. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS(write the answer below

2. Name 2 things that people can do with People Living with HIV/AIDS(PLWHA that will not spread HIV

For multiple choice questions below, circle the correct answer. Some questions have more than one correct answer.
3. What are 3 ways that HIV can be spread?
a) Mosquito bites
b) Unprotected sex
c) A mother to her baby
d) Using the same toilet as someone with HIV
e) Sharing needles with someone
4. Three major signs of AIDS in adults and children are;-
a) Weight loss, or slim’s disease
b) Yeast infections in the body
c) Bad diarrhea for more than one month
d) Fever for more than one month
5. Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) includes;-
a) Going to get an HIV test because you to and not because anyone force you.
b) Getting counseling before the HIV test
c) Having your test result results shared with your partner or family
d) Getting counseling after the test
e) Getting medicine to treat HIV
6. What are 3 ways to prevent the spread of HIV from mother to child?
a) Giving ARVs to the mother during labor and the baby shortly after the birth
b) Preventing Malaria and STIs during pregnancy
c) Mixed feeding (giving the baby breast milk and other foods or liquids)
d) Exclusive breast feeding
e) Giving the mother antibiotics during labor
7. What are 3 common Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
a) Gonorrhea
b) Yeast infections
c) HIV
d) Herpes
e) Malaria
8. Which statement about condoms is FALSE?
a) Condom can be used for sex in the Vagina, anus and mouth
b) Condoms are not good for preventing unplanned pregnancy (family planning)
c) Condoms can be used as protection from HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infected.
9. What are 3 important task of the CHW in Community Home – Based Care (CHBC)?
a) Prevention
b) Nursing Care
C) Helping the client with housework
d) Skill transfer to caregivers
e) Buying food for PLWHA
10. What are 3 ways that CHWs can work in the community to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS?
a) Talking to people and encouraging them to go for VCT
b) Telling people to wear gloves before touching people with HIV
c) Getting community leaders and groups to join in the prevention and support actions.
d) Identifying and referring pregnant women for Prevention form mother to child Transmission (PMTCT)
11. Name 2 common nutrition and eating problems of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Write the answer below)
12. Which is the correct way to make Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS)?
a) 8 tea spoons of sugar, ½ teaspoon of salt, and bolt water
b) 12 tea spoon of sugar, 18 teaspoon of salt, and water.
c) 8 tea spoon of cereal, and boiled water.
13. `What are 2 common AIDS related infections or conditions?
a) TB
b) Too much energy and trouble falling asleep
c) Diarrhea
d) Weight gain
14. What are 2 ways that Malaria can be avoided?
a) Using bed nets treated with insecticide.
b) Getting rid of standing water (like puddle) around the house, compound and community
c) Using cold water to cool the body
d) Taking bitter medicines.
15 what are the three reasons to keep records in CHBC programs?
a) You know what you have done over the past month.
b) You keep busy
c) You are able to plan what materials and time is needed in the next month or year.
d) You can compare the goals you had for the month with what actually happened so you can improve next month.
e) You can help with research on HIV.
16 all people with HIV should take anti – retroviral drug (ARVs).

17 All babies born to HIV+ mothers get HIV

18 All pregnant women should be offered voluntary counseling and testing (VCT)

19 HIV+ women have the right to children

20 When an HIV+ person has unprotected sex with someone, that person will get infected.

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